About us

www.visitingbulgaria.bg is one of the many projects that CODMARKETINGBG’s has been working on in the past few years. We all know that travelling, education, doing business and life in general have always been a challenge for many, especially if you are abroad in a country you don’t really know. While checking other web platforms designed to help foreigners in Bulgaria, we noticed that the information posted there is intended mainly for people visiting the country for vacation and there are mainly tourist directions. The rest of the people visiting Bulgaria who are interested in education, doing business or settling down in the country are kind of left behind, since the information on those topics is limited (especially in English). Therefore, we decided to include all of this in one shared website, where you can find everything you need – and that’s how the idea for VisitBulgaria came up.

On VisitingBulgaria you can find interesting and useful information which includes different aspects of the life in Bulgaria, foreigners might not be aware of. You can also see photos of certain places that our customers took – significant landmarks, Bulgarian products, specific places and many others. The content of the website will be updated based on the interest that people show in the forms of inquiries. Any other information you need – we can assist you to get it.

Driven by the idea of helping foreign people, visiting Bulgaria on different occasions, we decided to include two types of services:
Free services – Everyone can request those using the contact panel on the website. If we decide that the service you need won’t lead to any additional costs for us or it would take us less than 5 minutes to deliver it - you won`t have to pay anything.

Paid services – again, from the contact panel, everyone can order a paid service, the price of which will be based on the costs that will be incurred to realize it and the time needed for delivering it.
Depending on the costs and the time needed, the service you requested could be transformed from “free” to “paid” and vice versa. You will be notified of that after calculating the complexity and the total cost of the requested service.

To everyone who decides to choose Bulgaria as their vacation destination, to continue their studies, start their business or to settle down to live in the country, we wish sunny days and successful endeavors!

About us
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Terms and Conditions
Travel in BG
Study in BG
Live in BG
Business in BG
Bulgaria in pictures
Trip Ideas
Useful Links
Ministry of foreign affairs
The Weather
Exchange Rate
Tourism government
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